If you’ve been playing The Sims 4 for a few years, like I have, then you probably are getting pretty tired of the in-game trait options we have.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve got a great selection, but sometimes you just want a little more.

Today, I’ve rounded up my favorite Sims 4 CC traits to help you make more diverse and realistic Sims!

Sometimes you just want a more specific, custom trait for your Sims.

Sometimes you want to tell a specific story and the in-game traits just won’t cut it. The custom traits in today’s round-up will give you so many options to choose from!

Most of these Sims 4 personality traits add new gameplay with whims, buffs, and some even add all new interactions! Seriously, modders are amazing y’all.

Get ready to make even more realistic, diverse and unique Sims with the BEST Sims 4 CC traits! πŸ™Œ

If you’re looking for even more ways to make your gameplay more realistic and fun, check out my roundup of the BEST Sims 4 mods for 2023!

Sims 4 CC Traits (Custom Modded Traits)

Included CC/Mods

More CAS Traits Mod

Sims 4 More Traits Mod

Let’s kick this list off with a mod that isn’t quite a CC trait, but I know you’ll still want! The More Traits Mod by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii! This mod allows you to give your Sims 5 traits instead of the usual 3. I know you’ll want this by the time you get to the end of this post, so here ya go! πŸ˜‰

Maplebell’s Sims 4 CC Traits Pack

Maplebell's Mods Custom Traits pack for Sims 4 with traits: spoiled, stoic, serious, cowardly, endurant, and more.

There are 20+ custom traits in this CC pack, and they each have custom buffs for your Sims that will interact with other Sims, gameplay and environments. The trait icons are beautifully Maxis Match, which I LOVE! They blend in perfectly with the in-game traits–it hardly even feels modded. There are some fantastic options for gameplay and realism in this pack. There are such unique traits for Sims 4 in this pack, it honestly blows me away. I mean, Unforgiving?! What a great storytelling trait!!

Per Maplebell’s Mods, here’s a list of all the included traits:

Check out the download link below to learn even more about this incredible CC pack of Sims 4 custom content traits. The attention to detail in this set is next level, you won’t want to miss it!

Career Oriented Sims 4 CC Traits

Sims 4 Career Oriented modded trait

The Career Oriented trait by Skillful Simmer is perfect for your Sims climbing the corporate ladder! This trait comes with special whims like wanting to start a new career, completing freelance gigs, and going to work feeling confident. Your sim will even gain work performance FASTER with this trait! How cool is that?! Definitely one of the more realistic Sims 4 traits out there!

Southerner Sims 4 CC Traits

Southerner SIms 4 CC Trait Mod

Y’alllllll. As a Southerner myself, this CC trait is too fun! This modded trait by Skillful Simmer includes whims like cooking a group meal, preparing fruit cobbler and cooking gumbo. Your Southerner Sims are more likely to have the Good Manners trait (from Parenthood) and are better at cooking and baking. What a fun modded trait to add to your gameplay!

ADHD Sims 4 CC Traits

Sims 4 ADHD Custom Trait

The ADHD Sims 4 CC trait is so incredibly comprehensive! It is perfect for more realistic gameplay and representation in your game. The creator is ADHD themselves, so the details in this one are next level. There are tons of adjustments and interactions with this Sims 4 trait mod, including for skills and careers. The creator even explained why certain careers/skills gain faster for ADHD Sims, due to how their brains function!

Pastry Lover CC Trait by Caradriel

Sims 4 Pastry Lover CC Trait by Caradriel

This trait is INCREDIBLE for gameplay, y’all! It would pair perfectly with a custom baker career. Of all the Sims 4 CC traits, this one might bring the most to your game! It includes 10 new buffs and 3 new social interactions for your sweet-tooth Sims. They can talk about their new baking book, love going to coffee shops, can ask other Sims about their favorite cakes, takes baking classes, watch Cakeflix (like Netflix but for… cakes?! YUM), and can even participate in a baking competition on TV! If they win, they earn money and fame! See what I mean? That detail is insane. You won’t want to miss this one!

Poker Player Sims 4 Custom Content Trait

Caradriel Sims 4 CC Traits Poker Player

Caradriel made yet another amazing CC trait mod! This one is for your card-loving Sims. The Poker Player trait comes with new buffs your Sims get when they play cards in a bar venue, can have random buffs during a game (so you can see how they feel about the hand they got!) and 10 new social interactions. Honestly, I don’t know how to play poker at all, haha, but this trait is so fun and realistic!

University Inspired Sims 4 CC Traits

University inspired Sims 4 CC Traits

PimpMySims4 created an awesome CC pack of realistic Sims 4 traits for your University Sims (or anyone, really!). You do not need Discover University to enjoy these traits, however! These Sims 4 personality traits include: coffee addict, sorority girl, frat boy, cognitively impaired, and studious. Each trait comes with unique autonomy, interactions and buffs! Definitely one of my favorite Sims 4 traits CC pack for young adult Sims (read: I make them all coffee addicts, duh!).

Zodiac Sims 4 CC Traits Pack

Zodiac Sign Sims 4 CC Traits

Outing myself as an astrology girlie. Hi! πŸ‘‹ I miss the days of Sims 2 and Sims 3 when astrological signs were built into CAS, so this Sims 4 CC traits pack fills that need for me! Most of the zodiac trait comes with unique whims, skill changes and relationship changes based on stereotypes of each sign. This is definitely a fun pack of CC traits for your gameplay!

“It Girl” Sims 4 CC Trait

It Girl Sims 4 cc Traits with custom buffs by Kiasims

The It Girl Trait by KiaSims is one of the more unique traits for Sims 4! The custom buffs are AMAZING, and so funny. It comes with 20 brand new custom buffs, your Sims gain romance and friendship faster, faster social need decay, and various skill boosts! This trait would be great for storytelling, you don’t want to miss it!

“That” Girl Custom Content Trait

Custom whims for the CC trait "that girl"

I can’t be the only one who’s obsessed with the “that” girl trend?! Lol. I just love cleaning reset content! But now your Sims can be “that” girl too with this Sims 4 trait cc! This trait is also by KiaSims, and comes with 20+ custom buffs in addition to some other gameplay tweaks. This trait mod would be PERFECT for Ashley Plays Mimi in San Myshuno series on Youtube! Definitely download this one for all your yoga-loving, self-care queens!

“Pick Me” Girl CC Trait

Custom whims for a "pick me" Sims 4 CC Trait

Y’all, KiaSims has THE most creative traits! I am dying laughing reading the custom buffs for the “Pick Me” Girl CC Trait! Lol. Definitely one of the most creative Sims 4 modded traits out there. I think we allllll know a “pick me” girl!

Hobby Themed Sims 4 CC Traits

New Hobby themed Sims 4 cc traits

This CC Trait Pack includes 8 new options to make more unique, diverse and realistic Sims! They’re all themed around hobbies (which is really giving Sims 2 Freeplay vibes–who remembers?! Lol) and each trait comes with custom moodlet buffs and social interactions! Included in this pack of Sims 4 CC traits, you’ll find: artisan, competitive, horticulturist, movie buff, scribe, technophobe, tinkerer, and worldly.

Spa Day Sims 4 CC Traits

Spa themed Sims 4 CC traits

Now you can officially make you Sims a Health Nut or Lavish with this custom content trait pack by Kuttoe! These CC traits build on the Spa Day gameplay, and are perfect for your self-care obsessed Sims.

Extreme Emotions Sims 4 CC Traits

The Emotions Trait Pakc by Kuttoe includes “extreme” versions of most of the in-game traits, as well as some totally brand new ones! Turn up the drama in your Sims’ lives with these custom traits for Sims 4. From oblivious, to restless, to arrogant, to insecure–this pack has got a little something for everyone! Definitely a must-have mod in my game.

Industrialist Custom Trait For EcoLiving

Industrialist Sims 4 CC trait

If you have the Eco Living Expansion Pack, you just might be interested in the Industrialist CC trait for Sims 4! This trait is for Sims who love the pollution and the smog. Sounds gross, right?! But so great for storytelling! And my first thought was that this would be perfect for a Decades Challenge if you’re playing through the Industrial Revolution! Maybe your Sim owns a factory or invented the first SimFord πŸ˜‰ Definitely a unique custom trait for some specific gameplay styles!

Shutterbug CC Trait

Shutterbug sims 4 custom content trait for photography

This CC trait is perfect for your photographer Sims! They will not only build the photography skill faster with the Shutterbug trait, they will also earn up 4x as much money from selling their prints! This custom trait even comes with fresh new buffs–which I’m always a fan of!

Hates The Outdoors Sims 4 Trait

Hates Outdoors Sims 4 CC Trait

If you’ve ever wanted to create a Sim who just can’t stand being outside, the “Hates Outdoors” mod is for you! Perfect for those couch potatoes! (Hi, it’s me! πŸ‘‹ ) This mod adds a new trait to your Sims 4 game, allowing you to give your Sim an extreme aversion to nature and outdoor activities. With this trait, your Sim will be much happier staying indoors and avoiding the great outdoors altogether. This trait is great for realism, since Sims will even prefer staying inside autonomously, too!

100 Sims 4 CC Traits By Vicky Sims

100 base game Sims 4 cc traits by Vicky Sims

Guys. If you only download ONE thing from this list, it NEEDS to be this! This is the ultimate Sims 4 CC traits pack! Vicky Sims has knocked the ball wayyyy out of the park with this one, y’all. This set has over 100 traits to pick from, and every single custom content trait includes: CAS animations, autonomy changes, new buffs, and impacts on relationships/emotional states.

Per Vicky Sims Patreon, these are the categories of traits:

🀩 Part 1 focused on own stimulation and emotional response.
πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ Part 2 focused on defining extroversion, social image, and social behavior of a Sim.
πŸ’• Part 3 focused on expressions in intimate relationships.
✨ Part 4 focused on subjective qualities of Sims’ appearance.
🎨 Part 5 focused on talents and weaknesses that a Sim is born with.

Vicky Sims has included so much more documentation on exactly what each custom trait does, so make sure you check it out!

Toddler Sims 4 CC Traits Bundle

Sims 4 CC Traits for toddlers by Snowii95

Who else thinks EA did toddlers dirty by only giving them a few trait options?! Snowii95 has fixed that problem! This CC traits pack comes with 7 new traits for your tots, including: bookworm, faster learned, stranger danger, bossy, creative, naive, and always happy! We deserve unique and diverse toddlers too! πŸ™‚

2 Pack of Sims 4 Trait Mods by Scarlet

2 Pack of Sims 4 Trait Mods by Scarlet- Photographer's Eye and Socially Anxious Traits

Although modder Scarlet has decided to move on from creating new content, she’s graciously entrusted these fantastic trait mods to kuttoe so we can still download them!

This pack includes the Socially Anxious trait and the Photographer’s Eye trait.

You may remember the Photographer’s Eye trait from TS3, which inspired the creation of this trait!

And the Socially Anxious trait is a great alternative to the Socially Awkward trait from HSY that actually won’t totally tank your social gameplay.

Supernatural Sims 4 CC Traits by VickySims (chingyu1023)

Supernatural Sims 4 CC Traits by VickySims

A customizable supernatural traits pack that you can mix and match to create some veryyy interesting storylines!

Includes 16 traits for supernatural gameplay like Angel, Demon, Possessed, Skeleton, Superspeed, Weatherproof, and more.

To use all the traits, you’ll need the Vampire Game Pack and the Jungle Adventure Game Pack.

But if you’d rather not spend more coin on the sims, just remove the the traits that are tagged with any game packs you don’t have! 😊

Funny Sims 4 Trait Mods by SkillfulSimmer340

Funny Sims 4 Trait Mods by SkillfulSimmer340

Although this may seem like a simple thing to consider adding to your game, this trait cc includes SO many benefits to your gameplay.

Sometimes, increasing your social skills or finally getting that promotion can be tedious for no reason.

This mod helps with cool benefits like Comedy skill increase rate changed to 3x that of a regular sim, and Friendship relationship increase rate changed to 3x faster than that of a regular sim.

Plus, this is available for ALL ages of sims from baby to elder!!

Extra Sims 4 CC Traits by SkillfulSimmer340

Extra Sims 4 CC Traits by SkillfulSimmer340

The description for this Sims 4 trait mod says it all.

“This sim is that sim that is always doing the most. They are entertaining to watch but can be cringey sometimes.” 🀣

Simstagram Baddie Sims 4 Trait Mods by SkillfulSimmer340

Simstagram Baddie Sims 4 Trait Mods by SkillfulSimmer340

Choose the extra trait with this Simstagram Baddie trait and channel your inner Steph0Sims chaos mode gameplay!

Also pairs great with a career in social media.

City Girl Sims 4 Trait Mods by Muva Simmer

City Girl Sims 4 Trait Mods by Muva Simmer

I’m a mother f*kn city girl, ain’t sh!t free bout me 🎢

The buffs with this trait are SO funny and will take your City Living gameplay to a whole different level!

On Plumbob, Periodt.

REQUIRES: City Living, Discover University & Seasons Expansions

Glam-ma Sims 4 CC Traits by Muva Simmer

Glam-ma Sims 4 CC Trait by Muva Simmer

For elders who aren’t into Nifty Knitting and are still out there hitting The Blue Velvet on the regular, meet the Glam-ma trait mod!

Because we always need more Elder gameplay options!!

REQUIRES: Seasons, Toddler Stuff, Get to Work

Baker Sims 4 Trait Mods by xbrettface

Baker Sims 4 Trait Mods by xbrettface

Confession: I honestly forget about that dang cupcake machine all the time. 🀣

Let’s get the Baker trait and put the cupcake machine to good use once and for all!

REQUIRES: Get to Work

Petty Sims 4 Trait Mods by xmiramira

Petty Sims 4 Trait Mods by xmiramira

Do you NEED this Petty mod for your simself, because same. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€£

Notes from the creator: “To be safe, make sure you have emotional deaths turned off with MCCC or another mod.”

Harry Potter Sims 4 Trait Mods Pack by brittpinkiesims

Harry Potter Sims 4 Trait Mods Pack by brittpinkiesims

If you want to bring your favorite things from Harry Potter to your Sims game, you’ll LOVE this giant pack with traits, buffs, and more!

For the traits, you’ll get to choose from Hufflepuff (πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ), Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor with lots of perks for each house.

Something special about this pack is that you can use over 400+ HP name overrides, so your townies will have magical surnames!

Maplebell’s Sims 4 CC Traits Pack #2

Maplebell's Sims 4 CC Traits Pack #2

If you like Maplebell’s original “More Traits” pack, here’s the second version with even more traits!!

With this pack, you’ll get these traits: Spiritual, Philosopher, Street Smart, Time-Sensitive, Spiritual Healer, Minimalist, Fashionista, Animal Whisperer, Health Nut, Chatty, Jaded, Unconventional, and Old Soul.

Maplebell’s Sims 4 CC Traits Pack #3

Maplebell's Sims 4 CC Traits Pack #3

Guess what? Maplebell blessed us with even more traits in the third version of her more traits pack!

This lovely pack will add these traits to your game: Gamer, Romantic Idealist, Cuddle Bug, Fairy-Tale Fanatic, Baker, Memory Keeper, Vintage Lover, Home Chef, Body Conscious, Love-Struck, Monogamous, Heartbreaker, Natural Beauty, Elegantly Aged, Body Positive, Hairstyle Hobbyist, Unkempt, and Age Insecure.

Persea’s Sims 4 Trait Mods Bundle

Persea's Sims 4 Trait Mods Bundle

Wait, do you hear that?!

Oh yea. It’s a literal choir of angels singing πŸ‘Ό*aaaaaahhh!* at this amazing trait pack!!

You better believe I’m making a new sim rn with my three favorite traits from this pack: Coffee Lover, Grumpy, and Movieholic. β™₯

Realistic Teen Sims 4 Trait Mods Bundle by Persea

Realistic Teen Sims 4 Trait Mods Bundle by Persea

This mod highlights another age group that doesn’t have nearly enough cc and mods!

Every trait in this pack is for teens only.

One of the funniest traits from this pack is the Spoiled trait. Pair this with the Slytherin trait I mentioned earlier in this post, and you could totalllyyy rock some devious Malfoy gameplay!

Autism Spectrum Disorder Sims 4 Trait Mods by PieBaldFawn

Autism Spectrum Disorder Sims 4 Trait Mods by PieBaldFawn

Although TS4’s team is doing an okay job at giving more and more people the chance to truly make their simselves super accurate, there’s still plenty they could add.

One trait that we don’t have that would be great to add with this cc is a trait representative of individuals with autism! πŸ’ž

For Kids Only Sims 4 Trait Mods by Triplis

For Kids Only Sims 4 Trait Mods by Triplis

You’ll get EIGHT!! traits for your child sims with this pack!

The children’s traits included are Bold, Fretful, Gigglemeister, Rocket, Sensitive, Sleuth, Sweetie, and Tattletale.

Social Powered Sims 4 CC Traits by Triplis

Social Powered Sims 4 CC Traits by Triplis

This is such a creative trait idea, but you’ll have to save up and get it from the Rewards Store (after you dl the cc).

This socially-driven trait GIVES you energy each time you socialize!!

Medieval Sims 4 Trait Mods 3 Pack by Snowiii95

Medieval Sims 4 Trait Mods 3 Pack by Snowiii95

These Medieval Sims 4 cc traits work for ALL ages!!

This 3-pack includes the Bard, Knight, and Joker traits.

Unusual Sims 4 CC Traits by Snowiii95

Unusual Sims 4 Trait Mods Pack by Snowiii95

The creator of this pack made four brand new and unusual traits for us!

Two of the traits are phobias: Entomophobia (bugs) and Arachnophobia (spiders).

The other two traits in this pack are Holiday Enthusiast and Celebrity. 😍

REQUIRES: Jungle Adventure, Seasons, and Get Famous

Seasons Sims 4 Trait Mods by VickySims (chingyu1023)

Seasons Sims 4 Trait Mods by VickySims (chingyu1023)

After downloading this seasonal traits pack, you’ll need to purchase the trait(s) you want from the Rewards Store in-game.

Choose from Child of: Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter, the Moon, or the Sun. πŸŒ„


Misery Sims 4 Trait Mods by NatetheL0ser

Misery Sims 4 Trait Mods by NatetheL0ser

I can’t wait to use MCCC to rework a few townies to be even more accurate to how I imagine them with these Misery traits!

Agatha Crumplebuttom, anyone?!

The Misery traits that come with this pack are Alien Hater, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Hay Fever, Allergic to Cats/Allergic to Dogs, Hates Heat, Can’t Stand Cold, Fame Jealous, Dry Skin, Chronic Headaches, Allergic To Magic, Asthmatic, and Hates Vampires.

REQUIRES: Get to Work, Cats and Dogs, and Seasons

And that’s a wrap on my favorite Sims 4 CC traits!

I hope you enjoyed this post! Now it’s time to make some REALLY interesting Sims 4 cc traits combinations for your Sims! πŸ™‚

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