One of my favorite ways to spice up my gameplay when it starts getting a little stale is custom holidays!

That’s why today I’m sharing some of my favorite sims 4 holiday mods as well as some amazing sims 4 holiday ideas!

When you start a new Sims 4 game (if you own the Seasons EP) we all start with the typical holidays—Winterfest, Flower Bunny Day, Harvestfest, and New Years.

And let’s be honest, after a while they get a little stale! Sometimes you just need to throw something else into the mix. With the custom holiday traditions and sims 4 holiday mods I’m sharing today, you’ll have no shortage of great ideas to add to your game!




Sims 4 Holiday Mods

Caradriel’s Custom Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods (Traditions for Toddlers, Children, Food + More!)

Caradriel's Custom Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods (Traditions for Toddlers, Children, Food + More!)

Caradriel has a TON of custom traditions, and these are must-have sims 4 holiday mods!

On their website, they have five collections of traditions to choose from: food holiday traditions, writing holiday traditions, Halloween/Spooky Day holiday traditions, kids holiday traditions, and toddlers holiday traditions!

I love how these custom traditions include fun for the whole family!

At the very least, I highly recommend downloading the custom toddler holiday traditions—they’re mostly left out of holidays otherwise, unfortunately!

And as a writer myself, I’m particularly fond of the writing holiday traditions 🙂 The “send a love letter” tradition is SO adorable, and perfect to add onto Love Day/Valentine’s Day, or a brand new romantic holiday of your making.

KiaraSims4 Custom Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

KiaraSims4 Custom Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

KiaraSims4 has over 50 brand new custom holiday traditions!

The best part is you can download them one by one, so you can pick and choose which ones you want to have in your game.

Personally, I grabbed them all, lol. I have no self control with mods!!! But also, you never know when you’ll have the perfect sim family to celebrate that activity with. 🙂

Custom traditions are essential sims 4 holiday mods because they truly let you customize your game!

One of my favorite combos to make with this cc pack is watch a movie and woohoo for Simflix and Chill day! 👀

This pack also includes a blow out candles tradition, which makes it easy to track birthdays in your calendar if you keep aging off and like to manually age up your sims!

IceMunMun Pet Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

IceMunMun Pet Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

You didn’t think I’d forget about pet lovers in my Sims 4 holiday mods round-up, right?!


This mod pack comes with 9 new custom holiday traditions themed around pets. You can take your furry friend for a walk, make them a special food, play with them and more!

I love using these custom traditions to set up a Clear The Kennel day, where my sims adopt a pet! 💕

Seasonal Custom Holiday Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

Seasonal Custom Holiday Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

This set of sims 4 holiday mods is another pick-your-own, so you don’t have to download them all!

Personally, I like grabbing the seasonal-themed traditions from this set: collect seashells, play in lead pile, sand sculpture, and snow fun!

They are perfect for summer holidays, winter holidays, and fall holidays!

Eco Lifestyle Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

Eco Lifestyle Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

Here is another small set of assorted custom traditions!

I absolutely love making a “reduce, reuse, recycle” day in Spring time in my gameplay saves! 🌸

MSQSims More Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

MSQSims More Traditions Sims 4 Holiday Mods

I absolutely LOVE this custom tradition pack! A must-have if you’re looking for sims 4 holiday mods.

Seriously. This set has everything!

There are traditions for collecting different items (fossils, insects, snowglobes), playing different games (chess, foosball, soccer), doing different activities (skiing, going to the gym) and SO much more!

All in, there are over 50 new traditions in this pack alone! It will download as a zip file, and from there you can pick and choose which package files you want, if you don’t want to add all of them to your game.

Highly recommend grabbing this one, though, for truly unique holidays to add to your calendar!

More Selectable Icons Sims 4 Holiday Mods

More Selectable Icons Sims 4 Holiday Mods

The final detail on creating fun, enjoyable, and memorable custom holidays is… custom icons!

This custom icon set by Zerbu has a ton of options! The icons might even give you great ideas for a new holiday to celebrate. 🙂

As a bonus, this icon set applies to creating custom clubs, too!

Note: since there are just so many icons, it can take a minute for them all to load when you open the icon selector. Hang in there, and know it’ll be worth it so you can pick the absolute perfect icon.

Sims 4 Holiday Ideas

Want to make the best use of all your brand new sims 4 holiday mods and custom traditions?! Here are some holiday theme ideas to get you started filling that calendar!

Here’s some of the holidays I like to play with in my game!

  • New Year’s Day: can include traditions like going to the gym, cleaning the house, journaling
  • Toddler Play Day: take your tots to the park! Include traditions like playing in the ball pit or using the kiddie pool.
  • Pool Day: make a splash at the community pool (or better yet—the beach!). Choose water activities from the holiday traditions and soak up some sun.
  • Earth Day: reduce, reuse, recycle day! Go out and enjoy nature.
  • Spring Cleaning: tidy up your house for the season.
  • Pet Appreciation Day: pamper your furbabies! 🐶 Make them special treats, take them on long walks, give them baths, and love on them all day long.
  • Clear The Kennel Day: adopt don’t shop! Welcome a new furry friend into your home.
  • Simsflix and Chill: invite a date over, watch a movie, and try and woohoo by the end of it! 👀
  • Mother’s/Father’s Day: hug your parent! Bake together, grill together, give them a gift—show your love!
  • Self Care Day: call out of school/work and pamper yourself. Head to the spa, take a bubble bath, take a nap, make a candle—whatever fills your sim’s cup!
  • Snow Day: enjoy the fresh white powder! Do all kinds of snow activities and stay home from work/school.
  • Travel Day: take a trip abroad! Make sure to enjoy the local cultural cuisine while you’re there.
  • Girls/Guys Night Out: call up your besties and hit the bar, club, or karaoke bar! Grab a drink, dance your socks off, and takes lots and lots of selfies!

And there you have it! Just a few ideas of some custom holidays I enjoy playing with in my game.

I’m constantly thinking of new ideas, and trying to find special holidays to add based on what household I’m playing.

For example, if I’m playing with a couple, with aging off, and I’m doing a more realistic/story-based gameplay, I might add their wedding anniversary to the calendar, so it happens on the same day every season! 🙂 I’ll choose activities that fit the couple in particular.

My biggest piece of advice is GET CREATIVE, and think about what YOUR sims would enjoy doing! 💕

And that’s a wrap on my favorite Sims 4 holiday mods + Sims 4 Holiday Ideas!

I hope you enjoyed this one! What custom traditions are you most excited to try out in your gameplay?!

Drop your holiday ideas in the comments below!

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