Today’s post is all about the absolute best lots and builds for the brand new world of Sims 4 Tomarang!

Tomarang shipped with Sims 4 For Rent, and is inspired by Southeast Asian countries.

I love the architectural style, but don’t feel confident enough in my own build abilities to create lots that truly reflect the style and culture—so I picked some incredible lots build by fellow simmers!

These lots for Sims 4 Tomarang blend in seamlessly into the world and respect the cultures that inspired it.

I tried to find a mix of residential, rental residential, and community lots to fully flesh out your Sims 4 Tomarang world.

Check out my favorite lots to use in Sims 4 Tomarang!

If you’re looking for some of my favorite residential rental lots, that aren’t specifically inspired by Southeast Asian architecture, be sure to check out my round-up of Sims 4 apartments!

Interactive Botanical Garden for Sims 4 Tomarang

Interactive Botanical Garden for Sims 4 Tomarang

A piece of critique I’ve seen a lot of simmers share about Tomarang (and I share myself, too) is that the Botanical Garden lot is a little… well, underwhelming!

The original lot that ships with the world doesn’t offer much for your sim to do at all.

Which is why I immediately downloaded this lot when I found it!

It feels way more built out, and is culturally sensitive to the world via architecture and the inclusion of the new spirit house item, and actually has stuff for your sims to do.

Plus it looks STUNNING in the world! Seriously, it blends right in.

Two Unit Townhome For Sims 4 Tomarang

Two Unit Townhome For Sims 4 Tomarang

This is a two-unit rental residential lot that fits in beautifully in Tomarang.

This lot makes great use of the new pack items and blends seamlessly with the world.

There is a shared area laundry room and fitness area, and one of the units is furnished and ready to move into!

Outdoor Theater For Sims 4 Tomarang

Outdoor Theater For Sims 4 Tomarang

You guys NEED this lot! It gives your sims such a fun way to spend their evenings in Tomarang.

It is an outdoor theater which is such a unique lot!

I find that I don’t often use that big projector screen, because it doesn’t usually fit in my sims’ yards, so this lot is a great use of it.

Your sim can grab a bite to eat with a picnic, grab a drink at the bar, or even visit the spirit house.

This is such a fun, vibrant lot and it looks amazing in Tomarang.

Traditional Southeast Asian Restaurant for Sims 4 Tomarang

Traditional Southeast Asian Restaurant for Sims 4 Tomarang

I love placing a restaurant in every world that caters to the local cuisine!

This restaurant is perfect for Tomarang with a fully customized menu and staff uniforms—not to mention that gorgeous architecture!

This lot fits right in with the Southeast Asian inspired world.


Karaoke Bar and Cafe for Sims 4 Tomarang

In my opinion, every world needs a spot for your sims to enjoy some nightlife!

Karaoke bars are perfect too, since they offer additional activities for your sims aside from just grabbing a drink.

This lot has a karaoke bar and a cafe, so you can even change the lot type depending on which vendors you want to show up!

(Or download the auto employees mod, which will auto spawn all vendors. I included it in my Best Mods of 2023 Round-Up!)

The street-level decor and details of this lot are SO good too 🙌 This lot looks amazing in-world.

Modern Apartment Complex For Sims 4 Tomarang

Modern Apartment Complex For Sims 4 Tomarang

This is a more modern-style apartment complex that still blends in nicely in Tomarang.

I love the smaller-unit lots and rowhomes, but sometimes you need something that can fit a few more families!

Colorful Sims 4 Tomarang Apartments by ChrissieYT

This lot is SO gorgeous, you guys!

ChrissieYT is an incredible builder (watch the speed build, and you’ll see why) and this lot is absolutely perfect for Tomarang.

This is a series of apartments that are in the quintessential Southeast Asian style we can see all across Tomarang.

The attention to detail on this lot is so, so good.

Residential and Commercial Shophouses for Sims 4 Tomarang

Residential and Commercial Shophouses for Sims 4 Tomarang

This is a house style called “Shophouses” which is very common in Southeast Asian countries!

These look SO good. And my favorite detail in this one is one of the units has a “local eatery” on the bottom floor.

I love the little details and realism of this build.

Apartments And Bar For Sims 4 Tomarang

Another gorgeous apartment complex for Tomarang!

This is a more traditional style, and features a bar on the bottom floor.

Again, make sure you grab the auto employees mod so vendors will show up! (Or hire them yourself when you want to use them, and cheat the money back!)

Generational Family Home Sims 4 Tomarang Build

I was very excited when I found this lot!

One—it’s gorgeous and blends into the world SO well.

Two—it’s a single-family home! It’s meant for a generational family, which I love.

But everyone’s been building apartments (can’t blame them! lol) so I loved finding a home for a single family too.

Rental Residential Suites for Sims 4 Tomarang

Here is a gorgeous multi-family lot!

These suites feature a really nice pool area as well, which is perfect for the new Pool Party event your sims can throw with Sims 4 For Rent.

And of course, it has that gorgeous Southeast Asian architectural style!

Thai Inspired Apartments Sims 4 Tomarang Build

These apartments are perfect for Sims 4 Tomarang!

They are inspired by Thai architecture, and I love them.

Watching the speed build of this lot was so fun.

Peranakan Townhomes For Sims 4 Tomarang

Peranakan Townhomes are another Southeast Asian building style!

I love the attention to culture and realism—and I LOVE how fun and colorful these houses are.

Vibrant Southeast Asian Apartments for Sims 4 Tomarang

Another gorgeous vibrant and detailed street of apartments.

These sort of lots look SO good in the world of Tomarang!

it makes the world feel so lively.

Colorful Lounge for Sims 4 Tomarang

The game shipped with a Lounge in Tomarang, but this simmer-created lounge is sooo good.

The colors! The pattern! The vibrancy! It is perfection, and just the right vibe for this vibrant world.

And that’s a Wrap on the best Southeast Asian Builds for Sims 4 Tomarang!

I hope you guys enjoyed this sims 4 lot round-up! I love that the Sims team is branching out into other culturally inspired worlds and I know lots of simmers have wanted a Southeast Asian inspired world for a while. Tomarang is small, but with the right lots, you can truly make the most of it!

What lots would you love to add to Tomarang?! Drop it in the comments below.

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